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Funnie the Fundroid

Funnie the Fundroid (2017) is an autonomous pizza and beer delivery robot, created by David Sheinkopf, Dylan Fashbaugh, James Devito, and myself for Pioneer Works' "Software for Artists Day". Funnie was built to pick-up pizza and beer from a nearby store on this particular date. In order to legally buy beer, we wanted Funnie to be of legal age, so it was partially programmed using Windows 95.

I programmed an application in Visual Basic 4 that was able to run on a Windows 95 laptop. The app accepts serial input from an Arduino that provides GPS location data. It then displays Funnie's own location in a map of Pioneer Works's building and nearby streets. By knowing it's own location via a 22 year old operating system, one could argue that Funnie was both "self-aware" and of legal age.

Press: Humanoid beer-and-pizza-fetching robot is charmingly retro


